They didn't know one another before they arrived, but after a day on the river, they parted as friends! The Basso Family from Florida, the Scoville's from Oregon and the Hall Family from Southern California enjoyed all three boating types on the trip: Oar frame raft, (Thanks Wayd!), Paddle Raft (Thanks Karyn!) and Inflatable Kayaks (Thanks Alyssa!) were all on the river today.

The folks in Wayd's boat were treated to the "Southern Oregon Red Headed Bald Eagle"! Sounds like a fish tale to us, too! There were a few Turkey Vultures looking for a free handout, along with deer, osprey, otter and beaver traveling and foraging the same river route that we enjoyed today. Thanks to Beverly at the
Rogue Forest Inn we spent some river time with Kathie, Rick, Jordan and Tina. They were on to Wayd's moving lips and tall tales and enjoyed both the inflatable kayaks the ride in the Rogue Inflatable.

The paddlers in the Blue Rocket Boat were eager to test out their newly discovered skills and ready to conquer "the big stuff!". Roz and Wade brought their three kids to the Rogue before the University Days and School Days got too busy! Isaac, Joe and Sara were thrilled by the newly discovered joy of paddling as a family team. Their Olympic paddling efforts paid off as one and all were soaked by the water, and enjoyed great rides through many rapids.

Sarah and Megan, sisters from Portland and Seattle met on the Rogue River for some R and R and enjoyed whitewater action in the inflatable kayaks, as well as the big orange raft. Their energetic companionship was contagious and thoroughly enjoyed by everyone. What a great trip from so many people. Thanks for sharing the Good Life on the Rogue with us!

No, Thank You guys for such a great day! We had so much fun with everyone and that wouldn't have been possible without such GREAT guides. We will be back. ~Sarah Scoville~
ReplyDeleteThanks, I had a great time! Thanks for everything...
ReplyDeleteWana be rodeo clown(: