Monday, May 23, 2011

Reality Check

Purple lupine in full bloom, green meadows and new growth on trees, grey and yellow baby goslings coated in down, white water, blue rocket boat, can this all be real? We pinched ourselves and yep! It's true. Come and experience the wonder with us!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Wild Rogue Waves

Wild Wave riding was the call for the day for these five awesome paddlers! With a larger volume of water flowing between the banks of the mighty Rogue River, there are some amazing runs to be had by all adventurers. The rapids will not disappoint you, they'll just make you want to keep coming back for more!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

One More, Please!

Rafters catching just one more wave, just one more battle, just one more thrill of a lifetime, just one more before sundown today, please~!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Paddlers and Playmakers!

Playful and provocative? Absolutely! Can they agree on who won the water battle? Not a chance. They all want a rematch! Come on out and join the playmakers and the paddlers!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Take Some Time to Enjoy!

Grab some of your best buddies, and come on out on the water in one of our big blue boats. Take in some sunny, wet, and wild fun...Paddling is optional!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Thanks mom!

You are one terrific high adventure seeker!

We hope you have a wonderful day mom! You have front row seats reserved for you when you come out to visit this summer :) With love from Oregon.

Rogue River Rafting Trips

Celebrate Mothers Oregon Style

Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful Mamas out there! Fresh air, fresh food, fun water, and lots of family is celebrating Oregon Style! Grab your boat-coats and head to the river, there is an adventure waiting for you, just around the river bend!