We took a pleasure drive down to
Foster Bar over the week end to pick up some friends and neighbors who ran the Lower Rogue. It is truly beautiful country. The road up from
Gold Beach runs along the South side of the Rogue River. Twenty eight miles up this road is Cougar Lane, then another 7.5 miles and the take out point is Foster Bar. Life moves at a slower pace in these parts.

At Foster Bar, there was little activity in the late morning. We enjoyed the view from the salmon dock, and noted the count on the stove was 10 salmon landed so far this year.

By noon the place was loaded with rafts, vans, trailers, trucks, kayaks, catarafts, people, and stories! There is such a positive energy surrounding the ride, the rapids, and the relationships the Rogue River offers.

Take a ride, float, or drive and find out what life is like on the Lower Rogue.
Oregon Rafting