Sunday, October 12, 2008

Miami Beach Camping

All summer long we enjoy spending time rafting and camping with people from all over the world. Now that the season is over, Kari and I got to spend a little R&R together. We packed up the boat with our camping gear and put in at Robertson Bridge. We floated into Hellgate Canyon and on the left is a beautiful sandy beach. The locals call it 'Miami Beach'. We had a great dinner made by Kari. Then there was a surprise visit from some former students who were passing by in their drift boat. We talked and shared some old memories. They left and Kari and I enjoyed the evening together. The next day we had a great riverside breakfast, packed up the rocket boat and floated to Grave Creek where Karyn and Alyssa picked us up. A perfect ending to a fantastic season.

Rogue River Rafting Trips

1 comment:

  1. You guys sure live the life. We are all wishing we were with you. Miss you.

    O'Bs from Oak Lawn
