O'Brien's Headquarters is nestled on the most fertile, sandy, loamy soil for growing delicious fruits and vegetables. The onions have peeked out of the soil and are standing proudly at 4 inches tall, and broccoli and cabbage are ready to be transplanted. We are watching the blossoms on the nectarine, pear, apple, peach and plum trees with our fingers crossed, hoping the early spring frosts haven't killed the chance of fresh fruit for the summer.

There are a variety of berries growing in patches at ORRO Headquarters: strawberries, blueberries, boysenberries, red raspberries and golden raspberries, not to mention the abundantly grown blackberries. These are Mother Nature's Candy that last the whole year. We dry, freeze, preserve and enjoy fresh all of the berries right down to the strawberry lemonade!

O'Brien's also grows TONS of walnuts every year! Did I say tons? It is true and the pigs that are raised at ORRO Headquarters thrive on these nuts. The guides help to harvest the nuts that the pigs don't eat. The nuts are also used in River Mix which is a type of Gorp or Trail Mix, made which fresh fruits and berries grown right here at Headquarter or by nearby farmers.

There will be many happy campers this summer with O'Brien's Rogue River Outfitters and The River Garden is waking up, getting ready for another delicious rafting season!
Rogue River Rafting
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