The mountains, hills and canyon walls are turning green with all of the rain and precipitation we have had in the Rogue Valley. A hike along the Rogue River Trail is a sensory satisfying experience. Birds are chirp, chirp, chirping to welcome you out for a day in the wild.

The wildflowers are blooming along the trail with Indian Paintbrush, Trillium, Oregon Grape, Bluebells, Bird Bills, Cat Ears and little yellow butter cups. The wildflowers display a sweeping view of blues, yellows, oranges, reds, pinks, purples and fuzzy pale white! Up close the delicate flowers look so fragile and yet they burst forth through age old rocky cracks.

The abundant moisture in the ground, falling from hidden sources, filling creeks and streams, and seeking to find the Rogue River. Around the next bend you can find fresh water falling from snow that's melting a few thousand feet above. The spray of water hitting the rocks at your feet feels crisply refreshing in the spring sunshine.

Old growth timber offers sudden shade mixed in evergreens, alder, myrtle, madrone, oak and more. The mingling smells of the forest trees mixed with damp moss and lichen send the senses into a happy dance. Just try to keep your tapping feet on the trail and your head in the clouds on the spring green hike.
Rogue River Rafting
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