O'Brien's Headquarters is a buzz with seed catalogs from around the Northwest. A close to home favorite is
Territorial Seed Company who have some of the sweetest corn, crispiest cucumbers, and tantalizing tomatoes. We are gathering our seeds and pot starts, mulching in more of the green miracle (natural fertilizer from Headquarters sheep and chickens), and carefully nurturing and whispering sweet nothings to the sleeping fruit trees. The harsh freeze in early December left some of them more than droopy.

All of the good efforts that go into the planning and planting will pay off when our guests are eating farm fresh jams and jellies, corn relish, pickled beets, fresh cherry tomatoes, and our own Gorp-like River Mix made from the abundant fruits and nuts harvested at Headquarters.
Join the plotting and find a little corner, pot, old boot, tea pot, or river bootie for a little green harvest of your own.
YUM!! You guys are so awesome! All of your hard work in the 'off season' is greatly appreciated. Your river time meals are delicious! have you thought of writing a river time cook book?? :)