The garden at ORRO Headquarters are starting to take off! Onions are 8-10 inches talk, broccoli and cabbage are ready to start building heads, potato foliage is rising above the soil line and the peppers, tomatilloes, eggplant and tomatoes are beginning to produce buds. The strawberries are ready to produce in abundance so start thinking strawberry turn overs, pie and shortcake!
Next in the ground will be the starts of zucchini, yellow squash, cucumbers, pumpkin and butternut squash. There are also starts of cantaloupe, watermelon and honey dew, and the direct sowing of corn, okra and yellow wax and green beans that will go into the garden as soon as the temperatures hold close to 70 degrees.

Hopefully this whets your appetite for the coming summer! You will find all of the fresh produce in salsas, stir fries, jams, jellies, preserves, Same Day Cobblers, quick breads, and served fresh in salads and side dishes on our Full Day Raft Trips, Family Camps and Teen Summer Raft Camps. Mmmm-mmm! Summer is getting closer!
Oregon River Rafting