Yes, spring has arrived to the Rogue Valley and along with it so has the windy, rainy, hailing, cloudy, snowing!, foggy, icey, sunny weather! We are so lucky to live in a climate that expresses all seasons and all types of weather in one season.

The osprey have arrived with the spring and they are busy pairing up, feeding and nesting. It won't be long before the female sits on the nest and the male close by in his sentinel watch waiting diligently. The osprey mate for life and share the raising of the young in all types of weather, from extreme cold and wind to extreme heat, the adult osprey nurtures and raises the fledglings until it is time to migrate south. What a glorious life cycle.
Dig your Chacos out, grab your binoculars, camera, and hat, and come on out for some excellent birding in the perfectly-springtime-weather!